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  • An update on the status of breast cancer screening in Brazil after the covid-19 pandemic Brief Communication

    Bessa, Jordana de Faria; Novita, Guilherme; Freitas-Junior, Ruffo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT We have previously reported the impact of covid-19 pandemic on breast cancer screening, in Brazil: among women aged 50–69 years, mammography attendance decreased by 42% in public healthcare (SUS), comparing 2019 and 2020. In this short communication, we wish to present: a) an update of the number of mammograms performed, in 2021; b) an exploratory analysis of the characteristics of the screened population between 2019 and 2021. A total of 1.675.307 mammograms were performed in 2021, nearly 15% lower than pre-pandemic levels. Almost a third, 29.5% of them, had intervals greater than three years. In accordance with our previous study, the number of patients with palpable lumps on physical exam increased. The consequences of postponing breast cancer screening during the pandemic are still uncertain. Unfortunately, as of December 2021, screening attendance has not resumed. On the contrary, our results show an increase in the fraction of women with mammography delayed beyond three years.
  • HIV knowledge and its correlation with the Undetectable = Untransmittable slogan in Brazil Brief Communication

    Ferreira, Rayane C.; Torres, Thiago Silva; Marins, Luana Monteiro Spindola; Ceccato, Maria das Graças B.; Bezerra, Daniel R. B.; Luz, Paula M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Knowledge about HIV transmission and prevention is a necessary step for adopting preventive behaviors. We assessed HIV knowledge and its correlation with the perceived accuracy of the “Undetectable = Untransmittable” (U=U) slogan in an online sample with 401 adult Brazilians. Overall, 28% of participants showed high HIV knowledge level. The perceived accuracy of the U=U slogan significantly correlated with HIV knowledge. Younger participants, those reporting lower income or lower education, or who had never tested for HIV showed poorer HIV knowledge. Filling gaps of knowledge among specific populations is urgent in order to increase preventive behaviors and decrease HIV stigma.
  • Mulheres em situação de prostituição e covid-19: por que excluídas dos grupos vulneráveis? Brief Communication

    Chiang, Michelle Ishida; Basile, Maitê Leite; Souza, Ana Beatriz Pereira de; Moccagatta, Isabella Dastler; Vieira, Julia Rabello Guerra; Lourenço, Thaís Rocha; Gonçalves, Mariana Langanke; Pinto, Helena Afférri Fernandes; Lowenthal, Rosane; Ferrer, Michele Lacerda Pereira; Klautau, Giselle Burlamaqui

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO Esta pesquisa analisou a exposição de mulheres em situação de prostituição no centro de São Paulo à covid-19. Este estudo transversal contou com amostra de conveniência selecionada em maio de 2021. Entrevistou-se 219 mulheres majoritariamente negras, de meia idade, pobres e com comorbidades. Dentre essas mulheres, 61 tiveram sintomas de covid-19, 23 com teste positivo,7 foram internadas e 4 relataram complicações pós-covid-19. Somente 26 (30,2%) haviam sido vacinadas. Além das desigualdades de gênero, raça e classe, essas mulheres são expostas a um maior risco de contraírem covid-19, devido às condições de trabalho e por apresentarem doença grave relacionada à idade e falta de vacinação.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study analyzed the exposure of women engaged in prostitution in downtown São Paulo to COVID-19. This cross-sectional study had a convenience sample selected in May 2021. We interviewed 219, mostly black, middle-aged, poor women with comorbidities. Among them, 61 had shown COVID-19 symptoms, 23, tested positive for the disease, seven underwent hospitalization, and four reported post-COVID-19 complications. Only 26 (30.2%) had been vaccinated. In addition to gender, race, and class inequalities, these women suffer both from a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 due to their working conditions and from the subsequent worsening of that disease due to age and lack of vaccination.
Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: revsp@org.usp.br